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Outdoor Fitness

personal programming for you


In your time, at your pace, doing something you love. Exercise doesn't have to be in a gym, but it can be. Goals don't have to start Monday's but they can. Diets don't mean cutting out food groups, it means abundance and good quality nutrition majority of the time. Hydration doesn't mean drinking 2 liters a day, it means drinking a little more than you do now. 

Quick Lift

How we will work

Together we will set you realistic SMART goals - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. Small steps each week to reach that bigger overall goal. We will work on an activity program, with a variety of activities which may including gym workouts, walking, running or sport, suited to your goals. We may cover nutrition and the importance of hydration. During the week I will check in with you to make sure you're feeling ok with targets we have set and how you are getting on. We will work at a pace you feel comfortable with, where we see progress each week. 

Fitness Fashion
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